
January 1st population
Unit : (Number)
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Unit : Number
Source : National Institute of Statistics
January 1st population
Population on 1st January115876331168849911763857118035881185023211887412
jQuery("#tblEmployee-0").table2excel({ exclude: ".excludeThisClass", name: "Worksheet Name", filename: "SomeFile" });
Source : National Institute of StatisticsUpdate : 01-01-1970
July 1st population by age group
Unit : (Number)
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Unit : Number
Source : National Institute of Statistics
July 1st population by age group
Population on 1st July108952191101248611158627112927771141821811532077116380661172617811783722
80 & +201855212211209939211898209846206554209211205469199161
jQuery("#tblEmployee-0").table2excel({ exclude: ".excludeThisClass", name: "Worksheet Name", filename: "SomeFile" });
Source : National Institute of StatisticsUpdate : 01-01-1970
July 1 population by governorate
Unit : (Number)
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Unit : Number
Source : National Institute of Statistics
July 1 population by governorate
Governorate of Tunis105119910577821063180106585810680951069579107124410732491075015
Governorate of Ariana560772579260595769611885627141641433654315662694667354
Governorate of Ben Arous619728634594648978663083676781689954701984710502715490
Governorate of Manouba375774380951388200395069402164409416415907420445423111
Governorate of Nabeul779764790694804551817502829962841806852668861260866838
Governorate of Zaghouan175676177434179804181947183988185897187663189176190127
Governorate of Bizerte564941569541575449580241584594588354591937595240597490
Governorate of Beja304027303446304844305454306005306398306782307507308148
Governorate of Jendouba404240401903403123403316403407403253403344404100404738
Governorate of du Kef245542243581245054245748246149246189246313246820247289
Governorate of Siliana224898223395224788225939226665226883227198227992228691
Governorate of Sousse662487677501690464702917714694725647735746743278747887
Governorate of Monastir540097550791560875570593579908588694596693602659606401
Governorate of Mahdia408318412019418281424380429839434566439059443075445704
Governorate of Sfax9470519581139709319822519928121002358101125910183731022900
Governorate of Kairouan569454571296575733580680585001588493591901596221599560
Governorate of Kasserine437493440061444113447869451338454430457353460820463497
Governorate of Sidi Bouzid427318430899435905440665444825448273451612455062457537
Governorate of Gabes371848375333380630385723390569395091399264402691404829
Governorate of Medenine475670480921488012494741501056506822512164516385519074
Governorate of Tataouine149210149537149859150065150312150508150770151323151750
Governorate of Gafsa336763337921341019344075346715348799350826352809354169
Governorate of Tozeur107067108188109593110930112162113254114275115119115675
Governorate of Kebili155883157322159473161849164038165981167790169378170450
jQuery("#tblEmployee-0").table2excel({ exclude: ".excludeThisClass", name: "Worksheet Name", filename: "SomeFile" });
Source : National Institute of StatisticsUpdate : 01-01-1970
Open Modal
| 2024-07-03 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2024-07-03 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2024-07-03 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2024-05-16 | Report
Ce rapport annuel sur les indicateurs d'infrastructure permet de mettre en relief les efforts consentis par l'Etat dans les différents domaines et secteurs et en premier lieu le secteur des infrastructures.
| 2024-03-14 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2024-03-14 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2024-03-14 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2024-03-14 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2023-12-21 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2023-12-21 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2023-11-18 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2023-11-18 | Report
This booklet "Tunisia in Figures 2021" is designed as a publication for a simple and regular use.
| 2023-11-17 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2023-11-16 | Report
This booklet "Tunisia in Figures 2020" is designed as a publication for a simple and regular use.
| 2023-11-16 | Report
This booklet "Tunisia in Figures 2020" is designed as a publication for a simple and regular use.
| 2023-10-04 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2023-10-04 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2023-07-27 | Report
Estimated population January 1st 2023
| 2023-06-08 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2023-06-08 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2023-06-08 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2023-03-27 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2023-03-24 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2023-03-08 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2023-02-02 | Report
This report of infrastructure indicators includes maps and data to facilitate analysis and show off the efforts made by the state in different sectors and fields, in particular infrastructure sector.
| 2022-12-09 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2022-11-28 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2022-11-28 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2022-10-05 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2022-09-15 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2022-09-14 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2022-07-06 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2022-06-24 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2022-06-14 | Report
Estimated population January 1st 2022
| 2022-05-18 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2022-04-19 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2022-04-04 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2022-04-03 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2022-01-28 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2022-01-21 | Report
This report of infrastructure indicators includes maps and data to facilitate analysis and show off the efforts made by the state in different sectors and fields, in particular infrastructure sector.
| 2021-12-07 | Report
This report published by the National Institute of Statistics (INS) in collaboration with the National Migration Observatory (ONM) presents the main results of the first survey on international migration undertaken in Tunisia.
| 2021-12-03 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2021-11-26 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2021-10-22 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2021-09-14 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2021-08-12 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2021-07-29 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2021-07-07 | Report
This booklet "Tunisia in Figures 2019" is designed as a publication for a simple and regular use.
| 2021-07-07 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2021-06-15 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2021-05-28 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2021-04-22 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2021-04-02 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2021-04-02 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2021-02-24 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2021-02-19 | Report
This report of infrastructure indicators includes maps and data to facilitate analysis and show off the efforts made by the state in different sectors and fields, in particular infrastructure sector.
| 2021-01-13 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2020-12-09 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2020-11-27 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2020-10-22 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2020-09-18 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2020-09-09 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2020-09-01 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2020-07-08 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2020-06-16 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2020-06-10 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2020-06-09 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2020-03-12 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2020-03-06 | Report
This report of infrastructure indicators includes maps and data to facilitate analysis and show off the efforts made by the state in different sectors and fields, in particular infrastructure sector.
| 2020-02-19 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2020-01-15 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2019-12-13 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2019-11-15 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2019-10-08 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2019-09-05 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2019-09-05 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2019-07-31 | Report
This booklet "Tunisia in Figures 2018" is designed as a publication for a simple and regular use.
| 2019-07-29 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2019-07-15 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2019-06-17 | Report
This report of infrastructure indicators includes maps and data to facilitate analysis and show off the efforts made by the state in different sectors and fields, in particular infrastructure sector.
| 2019-06-17 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2019-05-15 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2019-04-16 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2019-03-21 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2019-02-18 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2019-01-28 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2019-01-28 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2018-12-17 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2018-11-21 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2018-11-21 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2018-10-11 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2018-10-03 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2018-08-23 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2018-08-07 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2018-07-31 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2018-05-29 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2018-05-24 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2018-05-10 | Report
This report of infrastructure indicators includes maps and data to facilitate analysis and show off the efforts made by the state in different sectors and fields, in particular infrastructure sector.
| 2018-05-07 | Report
This report summarizes the main results relating to the economic activity of the population from the census 2014.
| 2018-05-04 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2018-04-01 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2018-03-27 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2018-01-25 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2018-01-25 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2018-01-25 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2018-01-25 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2018-01-25 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2017-12-14 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2017-11-10 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2017-10-12 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2017-08-28 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2017-08-28 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2017-06-15 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2017-06-15 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2017-05-16 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2017-05-12 | Report
This booklet "Tunisia in Figures 2016" is designed as a publication for a simple and regular use.
| 2017-05-12 | Brochure
INS publishes every year a leaflet edited in three languages (Arabic, French, English) retracing the main economic and social indicators of Tunisia.
| 2017-05-12 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2017-05-10 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2017-05-10 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2017-03-16 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2017-02-20 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2017-02-15 | Report
This report of infrastructure indicators includes maps and data to facilitate analysis and show off the efforts made by the state in different sectors and fields, in particular infrastructure sector.
| 2017-02-15 | Report
This report of infrastructure indicators includes maps and data to facilitate analysis and show off the efforts made by the state in different sectors and fields, in particular infrastructure sector.
| 2017-02-01 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2017-02-01 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2016-12-22 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2016-11-18 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2016-10-19 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2016-10-19 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2016-08-22 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2016-08-03 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2016-08-02 | Report
Report analysis of RGPH2014 data using a gender approach.
| 2016-08-02 | Report
Report analysis of RGPH2014 data using a gender approach.
| 2016-06-15 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2016-05-23 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2016-04-29 | Brochure
INS publishes every year a leaflet edited in three languages (Arabic, French, English) retracing the main economic and social indicators of Tunisia.
| 2016-04-15 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2016-04-06 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2016-04-05 | Report
This publication is part of the promotion of statistics according to the Gender approach in the production of statistical indicators as well as in-depth studies relating to the situation of women in Tunisia.
| 2016-04-05 | Report
This publication is part of the promotion of statistics according to the Gender approach in the production of statistical indicators as well as in-depth studies relating to the situation of women in Tunisia.
| 2016-04-05 | Report
This publication is part of the promotion of statistics according to the Gender approach in the production of statistical indicators as well as in-depth studies relating to the situation of women in Tunisia.
| 2016-04-05 | Report
This publication is part of the promotion of statistics according to the Gender approach in the production of statistical indicators as well as in-depth studies relating to the situation of women in Tunisia.
| 2016-04-05 | Report
This publication is part of the promotion of statistics according to the Gender approach in the production of statistical indicators as well as in-depth studies relating to the situation of women in Tunisia.
| 2016-04-05 | Report
This publication is part of the promotion of statistics according to the Gender approach in the production of statistical indicators as well as in-depth studies relating to the situation of women in Tunisia.
| 2016-04-05 | Report
This publication is part of the promotion of statistics according to the Gender approach in the production of statistical indicators as well as in-depth studies relating to the situation of women in Tunisia.
| 2016-04-05 | Report
This publication is part of the promotion of statistics according to the Gender approach in the production of statistical indicators as well as in-depth studies relating to the situation of women in Tunisia.
| 2016-04-05 | Report
This publication is part of the promotion of statistics according to the Gender approach in the production of statistical indicators as well as in-depth studies relating to the situation of women in Tunisia.
| 2016-04-05 | Report
This publication is part of the promotion of statistics according to the Gender approach in the production of statistical indicators as well as in-depth studies relating to the situation of women in Tunisia.
| 2016-04-05 | Report
This publication is part of the promotion of statistics according to the Gender approach in the production of statistical indicators as well as in-depth studies relating to the situation of women in Tunisia.
| 2016-04-05 | Report
This publication is part of the promotion of statistics according to the Gender approach in the production of statistical indicators as well as in-depth studies relating to the situation of women in Tunisia.
| 2016-04-05 | Report
This publication is part of the promotion of statistics according to the Gender approach in the production of statistical indicators as well as in-depth studies relating to the situation of women in Tunisia.
| 2016-04-05 | Report
This publication is part of the promotion of statistics according to the Gender approach in the production of statistical indicators as well as in-depth studies relating to the situation of women in Tunisia.
| 2016-04-05 | Report
This publication is part of the promotion of statistics according to the Gender approach in the production of statistical indicators as well as in-depth studies relating to the situation of women in Tunisia.
| 2016-04-05 | Report
This publication is part of the promotion of statistics according to the Gender approach in the production of statistical indicators as well as in-depth studies relating to the situation of women in Tunisia.
| 2016-04-05 | Report
This publication is part of the promotion of statistics according to the Gender approach in the production of statistical indicators as well as in-depth studies relating to the situation of women in Tunisia.
| 2016-04-05 | Report
This publication is part of the promotion of statistics according to the Gender approach in the production of statistical indicators as well as in-depth studies relating to the situation of women in Tunisia.
| 2016-04-05 | Report
This publication is part of the promotion of statistics according to the Gender approach in the production of statistical indicators as well as in-depth studies relating to the situation of women in Tunisia.
| 2016-04-05 | Report
This publication is part of the promotion of statistics according to the Gender approach in the production of statistical indicators as well as in-depth studies relating to the situation of women in Tunisia.
| 2016-04-05 | Report
This publication is part of the promotion of statistics according to the Gender approach in the production of statistical indicators as well as in-depth studies relating to the situation of women in Tunisia.
| 2016-04-05 | Report
This publication is part of the promotion of statistics according to the Gender approach in the production of statistical indicators as well as in-depth studies relating to the situation of women in Tunisia.
| 2016-03-28 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2016-03-08 | Report
This booklet "Tunisia in Figures 2013-2014" is designed as a publication for a simple and regular use.
| 2016-02-10 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2016-01-18 | Report
This publication presents the 2014-2044 population projection: hypothesis, sources and results. A chapter of this publication is devoted to projections at a regional level.
| 2015-12-09 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2015-12-09 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2015-12-09 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2015-10-08 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2015-09-25 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2015-09-15 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2015-08-19 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2015-07-23 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2015-07-10 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2015-05-26 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2015-05-26 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2015-05-26 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2015-05-26 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2015-01-02 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2014-12-19 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2014-11-22 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2014-11-11 | Report
This booklet "Tunisia in Figures 2012" is designed as a publication for a simple and regular use.
| 2014-10-30 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2014-09-30 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2014-08-30 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2014-07-30 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2014-07-10 | Report
This report of infrastructure indicators includes maps and data to facilitate analysis and show off the efforts made by the state in different sectors and fields, in particular infrastructure sector.
| 2014-06-30 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2014-05-30 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2014-04-30 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2014-04-30 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2014-04-30 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2014-04-30 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2014-04-30 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2014-03-30 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2014-02-28 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2014-01-16 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2014-01-16 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2013-12-16 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2013-11-25 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2013-10-24 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2013-10-11 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2013-09-30 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2013-08-30 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2013-07-30 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2013-06-27 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2013-06-27 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2013-06-27 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2013-05-30 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2013-04-30 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2013-03-30 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2013-02-28 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2013-01-21 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2012-12-30 | Report
This booklet "Tunisia in Figures 2009-2011" is designed as a publication for a simple and regular use.
| 2012-12-30 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2012-12-30 | Brochure
INS publishes every year a leaflet edited in three languages (Arabic, French, English) retracing the main economic and social indicators of Tunisia.
| 2012-11-14 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2012-10-23 | Report
This document describes the enhancements and revisions to national practices in poverty measurement.
| 2012-10-16 | Report
This publication mainly presents Tunisian population estimates by governorates, delegations and communes and obviously major indicators giving an overview about fertility death rates in Tunisia.
| 2012-10-16 | Report
This publication mainly presents Tunisian population estimates by governorates.
| 2012-10-12 | Report
National Survey on population and housing 2009.
| 2012-10-12 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2012-09-30 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2012-08-11 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2012-08-11 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2012-07-12 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2012-06-15 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2012-05-12 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2012-04-18 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2012-03-17 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2012-02-17 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2012-01-30 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2011-12-30 | Report
This booklet "Tunisia in Figures 2008-2010" is designed as a publication for a simple and regular use.
| 2011-12-30 | Brochure
INS publishes every year a leaflet edited in three languages (Arabic, French, English) retracing the main economic and social indicators of Tunisia.
| 2011-12-12 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2011-11-23 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2011-11-12 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2011-10-08 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2011-09-30 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2011-08-16 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2011-07-17 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2011-06-11 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2011-05-30 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2011-04-20 | Report
This publication mainly presents Tunisian population estimates by governorates, delegations and communes and obviously major indicators giving an overview about fertility death rates in Tunisia.
| 2011-04-20 | Report
This publication mainly presents Tunisian population estimates by governorates.
| 2011-04-11 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2011-03-14 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2011-02-21 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2011-01-11 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2010-12-17 | Report
This publication mainly presents Tunisian population estimates by governorates, delegations and communes and obviously major indicators giving an overview about fertility death rates in Tunisia.
| 2010-12-17 | Report
This publication mainly presents Tunisian population estimates by governorates, delegations and communes.
| 2010-12-16 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2010-11-12 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2010-10-14 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2010-09-16 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2010-08-14 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2010-07-05 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2010-06-10 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2010-05-12 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2010-04-11 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2010-03-26 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2010-03-11 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2010-02-14 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2010-01-27 | Report
This booklet "Tunisia in Figures 2007-2009" is designed as a publication for a simple and regular use.
| 2010-01-11 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2009-12-30 | Report
This booklet "Tunisia in Figures 2008" is designed as a publication for a simple and regular use.
| 2009-12-13 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2009-11-14 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2009-10-20 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2009-09-15 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2009-08-13 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2009-07-21 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2009-06-18 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2009-06-13 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2009-05-30 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2009-04-15 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2009-03-15 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2009-02-28 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2009-01-16 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2008-12-30 | Report
This booklet "Tunisia in Figures 2007" is designed as a publication for a simple and regular use.
| 2008-12-14 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2008-12-14 | Report
This publication retraces the cyclical trends of a number of economic or social indicators.
| 2008-09-21 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2007-12-30 | Report
This booklet "Tunisia in Figures 2006" is designed as a publication for a simple and regular use.
| 2007-08-15 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2007-06-08 | Report
This publication presents the 2004-2034 population projection: hypothesis, sources and results.
| 2007-06-06 | Report
This publication is devoted to the active population projection for 2004 to 2024.
| 2006-12-30 | Report
This booklet "Tunisia in Figures 2005" is designed as a publication for a simple and regular use.
| 2006-05-16 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2006-05-16 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2006-05-16 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2005-12-30 | Report
This booklet "Tunisia in Figures 2004" is designed as a publication for a simple and regular use.
| 2005-09-22 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2005-09-22 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2005-09-22 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2004-10-15 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2003-07-15 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
| 2002-09-14 | Report
This is a reference work for those who need information about the economic and social life of the country.
2004-02-10 | Foreign Trade
Data dissemination standards (SDDS).